
Sports house Widmann


Prices Ski School

3 Days€ 260.-3 half days€ 185.-
2 Days€ 185.-2 half days€ 145.-
1 Day€ 95.-1 half day€ 75.-
1 extra day from 3rd day € 30.-
Starttage für Gruppenkurse Anfänger Ski & SNB:
Sonntag & Montag
*Tarife nur bei einer Gruppe von mind. 5 Personen gültig!
1 DAY GROUP€ 95.‐ (min. 4 Personen) inkl. Sicherheitsequipment
PRIVATGUIDE FREERIDEN€ 375.- (+ € 20.‐ pro weiterer Person) exkl. Sicherheitsequipment
From 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00.
1 Day€ 330.-for one person
€ 5.-for each additional person
from 13.15 to 15.15
1 half day€ 165.-for one person
1 hour€ 85.-for one person
€ 5.-for each additional person
Group from 6 persons4 Stunden€ 360.-
Group from 6 persons2 Stunden€ 190.-
School groups4 Stunden€ 260.-
6 Tage€ 315.-6 half days€ 250.-
5 Days€ 295.-5 half days€ 230.-
4 Days€ 275.-4 half days€ 210.-
3 Days€ 245.-3 half days€ 175.-
2 Days€ 175.-2 half days€ 125.-
1 Tag 4h€ 90.-Halbtag 2h€ 65.-
1 extra day from 3rd day € 30.-
Mittagsbetreuung inkl. Essen € 15,-
1 Halbtag (10-12)€ 45.-
1 Tag (10-12 und 13-15)€ 75.-
from 08.45 to 10.45 or 11.00 to 13.00
1 half day€ 180.-for one person
1 hour€ 95.-for one person
€ 5.-for each additional person
pro Person/Tag inkl. Ausrüstung (ca. 2-3 Stunden)€ 70.-
Minimum participants 3 persons

Put on the snowshoes during the winter season

This is how it can be done in winter too: put on snowshoes and head out into nature. This is something everyone should try. As an alternative to skiing, snowshoeing offers the perfect way to discover the beautiful winter landscape, away from the hustle and bustle of the slopes.

Cross-country skiing through the landscape

Crossing through the most beautiful landscapes. If you want to discover the winter world from the cross-country trails, there are numerous routes to follow. Through the woods and over plateaus, right through the snow: cross-country skiing or skating, it is very popular and good for the spirit. Beginners and advanced skiers can come to us to improve their technique and immerse themselves in the beautiful landscapes. Experience this fantastic sport. Translated with (free version)

Find peace and quiet: go touring skiing

Hier in der Umgebung finden sich einige der schönsten Skitouren der Alpen. Und das für alle Ansprüche: Genussskitouren mit kurzen Aufstiegen und Hütten-Ziel oder anspruchsvolle Skigipfel mit Weitblick. Erleben Sie unsere Bergwelt in aller Ruhe und mit einem unserer erfahrenen Skiführer. Die richtige Ausrüstung für die perfekte Skitour, können Sie sich gerne bei uns ausleihen.

Some touring ski peaks:

Good to know, this is also covered.

The freedom of freeriding

Straight to paradise!

Wir wissen, wo die besten "freerides" hierzulande sind. Ganz viele davon gibt`s um den Wildseeloder in Fieberbrunn, im Herzen der Kitzbühler Alpen. Unsere Guides sind Profis im Backcountry und immer auf der Suche nach dem besten Powder und neuen Runs.

Exactly what you want!

Wir legen größten Wert auf individuellen Genuss und persönliche Vorlieben. Und: Klasse statt Masse. Als Extraservice steht ein Minibus zur Verfügung, der die Gruppe wieder zur Freeridebase zurückbringt.

Safety, Safety, Safety!

Wir wissen, was wir tun. Deshalb steht Sicherheit bei allen Aktivitäten an erster Stelle. Unser Sicherheitsequipment (LVS- Gerät, Sonde, Schaufel und z. T. Airbag Rucksäcke) steht jedem Teilnehmer zur Verfügung und der richtige Umgang damit wird laufend trainiert.

Freeride tour with an elevator ride

Getting to the right freeride spots is easy with us. After a short ride with the elevator we continue off the beaten track: to higher peaks and super cool descents. Of course with the most modern freeride equipment which we are happy to provide you with

The best tracks in the world

Fieberbrunn is one of the locations of the Freeride World Tour. If you are willing and agile enough we will take you to the two legendary 'nordfaces' Morocco and Wildseeloder. The 'big mountain' stands for pure adrenaline and spectacular descents right from the top.

Boarding Please!

Nichts ist so fett wie das Brett. Snowboarden ist anders und ein riesen Fun, genauso wie unsere Snowboardkurse für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Kursbeginn ist immer Sonntag und Montag um 10:00 Uhr. Let`s surf!


Basic 1

First Snowboard lesson

Requirements: none
Lesson objective: a safe drift turn with load change
Duration: 1-6 days

Basic 2

Getting better at snowboarding

Requirement: a safe drift turn with load change
Lesson objective: Driftschwung mit Hochentlasten, Driftschwung mit Tiefentlasten, Kipp-Turn, Fahren auf der Kante, erste Trips ins Gelände, Freestyle Basics
Duration: 1-6 days


Funpark, Boxen, Flattricks, Rails

Lesson objective: Setup boxes, kicker jumps, grabs, rotations, jibes, tailroll 180.
Duration: Individuell je nach Nachfrage


Offroad variants, freeriding around the Wildseeloder

Lesson objective: Getting a feel for the powder snow, gaining knowledge of Alpine hazards
Duration: Individuell je nach Nachfrage

Private lessons: anytime!

If you prefer to have it individually and you want us to focus only on you, please at any time and with pleasure. And no matter whether you are on skis or on the board for the first time, whether you are fit for the slopes or already super fast: Our private instructors have the special program for you and your progress -pardon: progress swing! Among other things, it's then about:

By the way, private lessons are available every day.

Lessons for newcomer to advanced

We do it: teach you to ski with the best technique and above all have fun. We offer group lessons for all levels. There is also always plenty of variety and sociability.

When do classes begin?

From 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00.

Advanced students can start daily
Beginners start on Sunday and Monday
(If nothing else, we will also start on weekdays)

With us, school is fun every day!

From 4 years onwards on skis!

From the beginner's slope to the practice slope and then onto the real slope, children learn very quickly. Partly because our children's ski instructors are patient specialists with a lot of fanaticism and empathy. They have just as much fun as the children. Furthermore, the safety of the children is always our top priority.

Children who have never skied before can start lessons on Sunday and Monday.
Children who have skied before can start lessons any day.

Welcome to the miniclub

Ab dem 3. Lebensjahr geht es los!

For the youngest skiers (<4 years), this is a fun day out: the kids get to know snow and skis in a playful way.

Falls Sie Ihre kleinen bis 15:00 Uhr in guten Händen wissen wollen, können diese gerne bis 15:00 Uhr in unserem Miniclub verbleiben. Das läßt sich jederzeit und von Tag zu Tag individuell regeln- ganz wie es in Ihren Tagesplan passt! In jedem Fall ist es super-praktisch.

This is what a day at the mini club looks like:

As mentioned above: bookable daily

Im Zweifel einen Schnuppertag

If you are not sure if the classes are right for your child(ren), you can book a trial day to find out if your child(ren) will enjoy the classes.
If you like the lesson - and you certainly will! - you can easily rebook the lessons to the desired length.
